Prof. M.V.Kartikeyan, Director, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kanchipuram delivered the Graduation day Address and handed over the certificates to the Graduands on 18th Graduation Day held on 13.12.2024 at CIPET: IPT – Chennai. Prof. (Dr.) Shishir Sinha, Director General - CIPET, delivered the Presidential Address.

Mr. M.Godwyn, B.E. (Mfg. Engg.,) and Ms. A. Alice Keren Motha, B.Tech. (PT), both Anna University 1st Rank holder were awarded degree certificate with Mementos.
18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day

18th Graduation Day