Two Days Training Programme from 06-07 February, 2025 by CIPET: IPT, Lucknow in association with chatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj Vishwavidyalaya at Senate Hall,
CSJM University, campus, Kanpur on "Chemicals and Petrochemicals Industrial Safety" was inaugurated by Shri Rajesh Pathak, Secretary, Technology development Board,
Deptt. Of Science and Technology, Govt. of India in the august presence of Prof. (Dr.) Shishir Sinha, Director General of CIPET, Prof. Sudheer Kumar Awasthy,
Pro Vice Chancellor, CSJM University. Prof.(Dr.) Shishir Sinha, Director General of CIPET has emphasized the role and critical importance of safety measures to
avoid accidental hazards and encouraged active participation from all attendees. Dr. S.N.Yadav, Principal Director & Head,
Dr. Vishal Verma, Director (TSS&BD), CIPET Head Office, Chennai were also participated in the inaugural program.