Home / Research / FAQ's on Research & Development Activities


1. Whether Ph.D. Degree course offered or not?

Yes, Ph.D. both full & part time offered by CIPET through regional (affiliated) universities.

2. Whether the research internship is available or not?

Yes, internship program is available spanning from 3 to 6 months against nominal fees.

3. Is it possible to analyse the microplastics in CIPET?

Yes, microplastic analysis can be done at CIPET: SARP - LARPM, Bhubaneswar through various analytical instruments such as Pyro-GCMS, Micro-FTIR etc.

4. Is it possible to use CIPET facility for outsiders?

Yes, CIPET is providing outsourcing services in testing, calibration & processing.

5. Whether device fabrication facilities available in CIPET?

Yes, Device fabrication facilities available in the area of Energy storage and harvesting at CIPET: SARP - LARPM, Bhubaneswar.

6. Is it possible to identify the recyclability of the polymer products?

Yes, CIPET is providing the technical support to evaluate the recyclate content using various characterisation techniques at CIPET: SARP - LARPM, Bhubaneswar and SARP - APDDRL, Bengaluru.

7. Whether CIPET is supporting entrepreneurs?

Yes, CIPET established INNOVEX Laboratory at CIPET: SARP - LARPM, Bhubaneswar and SARP: ARSTPS - Chennai to facilitate the start-ups/stand-ups.

8. How can Customer calibrate instruments?

CIPET has NABCB accredited laboratory for Calibration at CIPET: IPT - Lucknow, IPT - Ahmedabad and SARP - LARPM (Bhubaneswar) in the scope of Dimensional, Mechanical, Thermal & Pressure.

9. What are the facilities to do the fire testing of Railway Silicon Foam?

CIPET can do the HRR, Toxicity, LOI Testing at CIPET: SARP - LARPM, Bhubaneswar.

10. What are the standards for Biodegradation Testing for which facilities are available at CIPET?

CIPET is having facilities for testing biodegradable materials as per ISO 17088 (Composting) at CIPET Centres – Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, APDDRL (Bengaluru), LARPM (Bhubaneswar), Chennai (IPT), Jaipur, Kochi, Lucknow, Murthal & Vijayawada and ISO 17556 (Biodegradation) at IPT Chennai & SARP LARPM (Bhubaneswar).

11. Can CIPET determine heavy metals / leachates?

Yes, CIPET has facility to determine heavy metals /leachates using ICP/OES at SARP: LARPM, Bhubaneswar.

12. What type of 3D scanners does CIPET have?

CIPET has white light 3D scanner of measuring volume of 500 x 400 x 400 mm max size at CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS, Chennai.

13. What CAD packages do CIPET reverse engineering services cover & what formats can CIPET supply the 3D CAD data?

CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS is able to produce data in a variety of formats including Step, STL, IGES, UG, CREO, & CATIA.

14. What is the minimal wall thickness of a 3D printing model?

0.8 mm is the suggested wall thickness.

15. What is the maximum acceleration and frequency that can be tested using Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) available at CIPET?

Frequency Range: 5 to 3000 Hz and Maximum Acceleration: 100 g for the NVH machine available at CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS, Chennai.

16. Whether dental samples can be tested?

Yes, dental samples including teeth and braces can be tested for Shear bond test, Pull out strength and Compression test at CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS, Chennai.

17. What are the materials that can be tested using Pin on disk Tribometer?

Metals, Alloys, composites and Plastics can be tested using Pin on disk Tribometer at CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS, Chennai and APDDRL, Bengaluru.

18. Does CIPET provide Skill Development Training Program on reverse engineering & 3D modelling, additive manufacturing?

Yes, CIPET: SARP - ARSTPS, Chennai provides Skill Development Training Program on reverse engineering & 3D modelling, additive manufacturing using FDM, SLS, SLA & VACCUM CASTING and on new product development.

19. Does CIPET provide accommodation during Training? What is the duration for Skill Development Training Program?

Yes. As per candidate's requirements, accommodation will be provided against payment. The minimum course duration is 16 hours and maximum upto 200 hours.

20. What is the age limit and minimum qualification for Skill Development Training Program?

There is no age limit. The minimum qualification starts from 12th standard, ITI, diploma and engineering, based on the course requirement.

Page last updated on: 26-02-2025

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