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Sl. No. Authors Title Journal Publisher Vol / Issue/ Page nos. DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
1 Rajkumar Subbiah, Jimi Tjong, Sanjay K. Nayak and Mohini M. Sain Effect of natural fiber network on permeability and tensile strength of composites through vacuum infusion process Journal of Natural Fibers Taylor & Francis 14 (2), 278-286 (2017), IF: 0.730 10.1080/15440478.2016.1193092
2 Rajasekaran Karthikeyan, Jimmy Tjong, Sanjay K. Nayak and Mohini M. Sain Numerical and Experimental Validation of Natural Fiber Orientation in Viscous Fluid of Injection Cavity Journal of Natural Fibers Taylor & Francis 14(5):1-11 (2017) 10.1080/15440478.2016.1266290
3 Rajesh Panda, Jimi Tjong, Sanjay K. Nayak and M. Sain Effect of Alkyl Phenol from Cashew Nutshell Liquid and Sisal Fiber Reinforcement on Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Epoxy Resin Journal of Natural Fibers Taylor & Francis 14 (5), 747-758 (2017), IF: 0.730 10.1080/15440478.2017.1279100
4 Sudheer Kumar, Sushanta K. Samal, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoclay-Reinforced Trifunctional "Bioresin- Modified" Epoxy Blends Enhanced with Mechanical and Thermal Properties Chemistry Select Wiley 2(35), 11445–11455,2017 10.1002/slct.201702041
5 Suchhanda S. Swain, Lakshmi Unnikrishnan, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Carbon nanotubes as potential candidate for separation of H2 CO2 gas pairs International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Elsievier 42(49), 7,2017 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.09.152
6 Aiswarea Mathew, Surendra Kurmvanshi, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Mechanical Behavior of Castor-Oil-Based Advanced Polyurethane Functionalized with Glycidol and Siloxanes The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Springer 69(12), 2501-2507,2017 10.1007/s11837-017-2572-7
7 Shyam Dev Maurya, Surendra K. Kurmvanshi, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Synthesis and characterization of crosslinked transparent poly(ester-urethane- acrylate) containing methyl methacrylate Macromolecular Research ACS Publication 25(9), 871–881,2017 10.1007/s13233-017-5105-x
8 Amit Kumar Singh, Bishnu Prasad Panda, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay Kumar Nayak and Manoj Kumar Gupta Thermokinetics behavior of epoxy adhesive reinforced with low viscous aliphatic reactive diluent and nano-fillers Korean J. Chem. Eng Springer 34 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1007/s11814-017-0221-z
9 Amit Kumar Singh, Ashutos Parhi, Bishnu Prasad Panda, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K. Nayak and Manoj Kumar Gupta Aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and vapor grown carbon fibers (VGCF) reinforced epoxy adhesive for thermal conductivity applications Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Springer 35 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1007/s10854-017-7704-x
10 Aiswarea Mathew, Surendra Kurmvanshi, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Influence of structure-property relationship on the optical, thermal and mechanical properties of castor oil based transparent polyurethane for catheter applications Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry Taylor and francis 37 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1080/10601325.2017.1332468
11 Kesiya George, Bishnu P. Panda, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Recent developments in elastomeric heat shielding materials for solid rocket motor casing application for future perspective Polymers for Advanced Technologies Wiley online library 38 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1002/pat.4101
12 Sunil S. Suresh, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Bio-based epoxidised oil for compatibilization and value addition of poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) in recycled blend Journal of Polymer Research Springer 39 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1007/s10965-017-1282-8
13 Hemjyoti Kalita, Rashmirekha Kamila, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak Mechanical, thermal and accelerated weathering studies of bio-based Polyurethane /clay nanocomposites coatings Advances in Polymer Technology Wiley 40 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1002/adv.21853
14 Amit Kumar Singh, Bishnu Prasad Panda, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay Kumar Nayak and Manoj Kumar Gupta Synergistic effect of hybrid graphene and boron nitride on the cure kinetics and thermal conductivity of epoxy adhesives: Hybrid Graphene and Boron Nitride Polymers for Advanced Technologies Wiley 41 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1002/pat.4072
15 Sudheer Kumar, Sukhila Krishnan, Sushanta K Samal, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Itaconic acid used as a versatile building block for the synthesis of renewable resource based Resins and Polyesters for Future Prospective: A Review Polymer International Wiley 42 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1002/pi.5399
16 Aiswarea Mathew, Surendra Kurmvanshi, Smita Mohanty and SK Nayak Influence of diisocyanate, glycidol and polyol molar ratios on the mechanical and thermal properties of glycidyl-terminated biobased polyurethanes Polymer International Wiley 43 (11), 3028-3040,2017 10.1002/pi.5412
17 Sudha G S, Hemjyoti Kalita, Smita Mohanty and SK Nayak Biobased epoxy/carbon fiber composites: Effect on mechanical, thermo-mechanical and morphologicalproperties Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A Taylor and Francis 54(10), 756-764,2017 10.1080/10601325.2017.1332466
18 S. Anthony Yesudass, Smita Mohanty, SK Nayak and Chandi C.Rath Zwitterionic–polyurethane coatings for non-specific marine bacterial inhibition: A nontoxic approach for marineapplication European Polymer Journal Elsevier 96, 304-315,2017 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.09.019
19 S Krishnan, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Renewable Resource based blends of Polylactic acid (PLA) and Thermoplastic starch (TPS) using Novel ReactiveCompatibilization Journal of Polymer Materials Proquest 34 (3), 525-538,2017 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 324014057_Renewable_resource_ based_blends_of_ polylactic_ acid_PLA_and_thermoplastic_ starch_TPS_using_ novel_reactive_compatibilization
20 Suchhanda Srabanee Swain, Lakshmi Unnikrishnan, Smita Mohanty, and Sanjay Kumar Nayak Effect of nanofillers on selectivity of high performance mixed matrix membranes for separating gasmixtures Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Springer 34 (8), 2119-2134 10.1007/s11814-017-0128-8
21 SS Panda, SK Samal, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Preparation, characterization, and properties of castor oil-based flexible polyurethane/Cloisite 30B nanocomposites foam Journal of Composite Materials American Society of Composites 52(4), 531-542 (2017) 10.1177/0021998317710707
22 S Kumar, SK Samal, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Study of curing kinetics of anhydride cured petroleum-based (DGEBA) epoxy resin and renewable resource based epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) systems catalyzed by 2-methylimidazole ThermochimicaActa Elsevier 654(10), 112-120,2017 10.1016/j.tca.2017.05.016
23 GS Sudha, H Kalita, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Castor Oil Modified by Epoxidation, Transesterification and Acrylation Process: Spectroscopic Characteristics International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization Taylor and Francis 22 (6), 519-525 (2017) 10.1080/1023666X.2017.1334171
24 AK Singh, BP Panda, S Mohanty, SK Nayak and MK Gupta Study on metal decorated oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-epoxy adhesive for thermal conductivity applications Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Springer 28 (12), 8908-8920,2017 10.1007/s10854-017-6621-3
25 VP Sajna, S Mohanty, and SK Nayak Moisture absorption behavior of hybrid bionanocomposites of polylactic acid and evaluation of physicochemical properties Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials SAGE 30 (4), 521-544,2017 10.1177/0892705715604679
26 VP Sajna, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Influence of nanoclay and graft copolymer on the thermal and flammability properties of poly (lactic acid)/banana fiberbiocomposites Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology Wiley 23:E81–E91,2017 10.1002/vnl.21556
27 SD Maurya, SK Kurmvanshi, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Effect of polyester polyol chain length on the properties of transparent poly (ester-urethane-acrylate)/MMA copolymer for opticalapplications International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives Elsevier 77, 164-173,2017 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2017.05.005
28 P Sarath, S Bonda, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Identification and thermomechanical characterization of polymers recovered from mobile phone waste Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management Springer 19 (4), 1391-1399,2017 10.1007/s10163-016-0525-9
29 Sunil S Suresh, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Preparation and characterization of recycled blends using poly (vinyl chloride) and poly(methyl methacrylate) recovered from waste electrical and electronic equipments Journal of Cleaner Production Elsevier 149, 863 – 873,2017 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.02.057
30 SK Sahoo, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Mechanical, Thermal, and Interfacial Characterization of Randomly Oriented Short Sisal Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composite Modified with Epoxidized Soybean Oil Journal of Natural Fibers Taylor and Francis 14 (3), 357-367,2017 10.1080/15440478.2016.1212757
31 Sudha G S, Hemjyoti Kalita, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak Biobased Epoxy Blends from Epoxidized Castor Oil (ECO): Effect on Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Properties Macromolecular Research Springer 25 (5), 420-430,2017 10.1007/s13233-017-5063-3
32 Krishnan.S, Mohanty, S and Nayak, S. K The effect of dynamic crosslinking on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of polylactic acid and bioelastomer blend Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry Taylor and Francis 54 (9), 547-555,2017 10.1080/10601325.2017.1309248
33 Sukanya Pradhan, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Waterborne epoxy adhesive derived from epoxidized soybean oil and dextrin: Synthesis and characterization International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization Taylor and Francis 22 (4), 318-329 (2017) 10.1080/1023666X.2017.1295516
34 S Sahoo, H Kalita, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Synthesis and Characterization of Vegetable oil based Polyurethane derived from Biobased isocyanate Journal of Polymer Materials Oxford 34 (3), 591-603,2017
35 Sonalee Das, Priyanka Pandey, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak Investigation into the influence of UV aging on green polyurethane/ nanosilica composite coatings based on transesterified castor oil and palm oil isocyanate Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Springer 27 (3), 641-657,2017 10.1007/s10904-017-0506-z
36 S Sahoo, H Kalita, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Meticulous study on curing kinetics of green polyurethane-clay nanocomposite adhesive derived from plant oil: Evaluation of decomposition activation energy using TGA Analysis Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Taylor and Francis 54 (11), 819-826,2017 10.1080/10601325.2017.1336727
37 Sonalee Das, Priyanka Pandey, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak An Insight on Castor Oil Based Polyurethane and Nanocomposites: Recent Trends and Development Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Taylor and Francis 56(14), 1556-85,2017 10.1080/03602559.2017.1280685
38 Sonalee Das, Priyanka Pandey, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak Evaluation of biodegradability of green polyurethane/nanosilica composite synthesized from transesterified castor oil and palm oil basedisocyanate International Journal of Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Elsevier 117, 278-288,2017 10.1016/j.ibiod.2017.01.015
39 Swarnalata Sahoo, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Synthesis and characterization of vegetable oil based polyurethane derived from low viscous bio aliphatic isocyanate: Adhesion strength to wood-wood substrate bonding Macromolecular Research Springer Volume 25(8), 772–778,2017 10.1007/s13233-017-5080-2
40 Sudheer Kumar, Sushanta K Samal, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Epoxidized soybean oil based epoxy blend cured with anhydride based crosslinker: Thermal and mechanical characterization ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ACS 56 (3), 687–698,2017 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b03879
41 S.S. Panda, B P Panda, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak The castor oil based water borne polyurethane dispersion: effect of – NCO/OH content: Synthesis, characterization and properties Journal of Green Processing & Synthesis De Gryuter 6 (3), 341-351,2017 10.1515/gps-2016-0144
42 Sukanya Pradhan, Priyanka Pandey, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K. Nayak Synthesis and characterization of waterborne epoxy derived from epoxidized soybean oil and isoderived C-36 dicarboxylicacid Journal of Coatings Technology and Research Springer 14 (4), 915-926,2017 10.1007/s11998-016-9884-3
43 Sunil S Suresh, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Composition analysis and characterization of waste polyvinyl chloride (PVC) recovered from data cables Waste Management Elsevier 60, 100-111,2017 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.08.033
44 Sonalee Das, Priyanka Pandey, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Study of UV aging on the Performance Characteristics of Vegetable oil and Palm oil Derived Isocyanate based Polyurethane Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Springer 34 (2), 523-538,2017 10.1007/s11814-016-0273-5
45 R.K Sahoo, S Mohanty, SK Nayak and BP Panda Mechanical and morphological investigation of virgin polyethylene and silver nanoparticles loaded nanocomposite films: Comprehensive analysis of kinetic models for non-isothermalcrystallization Bulletin of Material science Springer 40 (2), 307-320,2017 10.1007/s12034-017-1370-8
46 S.S. Panda, BP Panda, S Mohanty and SK Nayak Synthesis and properties of castor oil-based waterborne polyurethane closite 30B nanocompositecoatings Journal of Coatings Technology and Research Springer 14 (2), 377-394,2017 10.1007/s11998-016-9855-8
47 M Naushad, SK Nayak, S Mohanty, BP Panda Mechanical and damage tolerance behavior of short sisal fiber reinforced recycled polypropylene biocomposites Journal of Composite Materials SAGE 51 (8), 1087-1097,2017 10.1177/0021998316658945
48 Anil Kumar, Manju P, P. S. G. Krishnan and S. K. Nayak Physical, Mechanical, Surface, Thermal and Morphological studies of PLA - Sepiolite bionanocomposites Miner. Met. Mater. Eng. Springer 3,103 (2017) 10.1007 /s10965 -020- 02098-1
49 M. Purushothaman, P. S. G. Krishnan and S. K. Nayak Effect of Sepiolite content on Hydrophilicity and Thermal Stability of Poly(butyl lactate methacrylate J. Renew. Mater Tech Science 5, 363 (2017) 10.1007 /s10965 -020- 02098-1
50 Ankit Pundit, P.S.G. Krishnan and S K Nayak Effect fo nancalucium carbonate on the propution of PLA nanocomposites J. Compos. B researchgate 5,26 (2017) https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/280105193_ Effect_of_Nano-calcium_ Carbonate_content_on_ the_Properties_ of_PLA_Nanocomposites

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