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Sl. No. Authors Title Journal Publisher Vol / Issue / Year / Page nos. DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
1 Ankita Mohanty, Kyeong-Nam Kang, Balasubramaniam Saravanakumar, Ananthakumar Ramadoss*, Ji-Hyun Jang* Morphology Control of Mixed Metallic Organic Framework for High-Performance Hybrid Supercapacitors Small Wiley (2023) 2308771 https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202308771 New Window External
2 Ananthakumar Ramadoss, Alekhika Tripathy, Ankita Mohanty, Nilimapriyadarsini Swain, Gobi Saravanan Kaliaraj, Sohaila Z. Noby, K.Kirubavathi, K.Selvaraju Binder-free TiN/graphite based thin film negative electrode for flexible energy storage devices Vacuum Elsevier 211 (2023) 111848 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2023.111848 New Window External
3 Tamilvanan Siva*, Kamaraj Kandhasamy, Karpakam Vaduganathan, Sadagopan Sathiyanarayanan, and Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Electrosynthesis of Silica Reservoir Incorporated Dual Stimuli Responsive Conducting Polymer-Based Self-Healing Coatings Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ACS 62 (2023) 3942–3951 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03445 New Window External
4 Nilimapriyadarsini Swain, Saravanakumar Balasubramaniam, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* High Energy Density Supercapattery Empowered by Efficient Binder-Free Three-Dimensional Carbon Coated NiCo2O4/Ni Battery and Fe3S4@NiCo Pseudocapacitive Electrodes Journal of Energy Storage Elsevier 58 (2023), 106220 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2022.106220 New Window External
5 Rasmi Ranjan Tripathy, Rajesh Sahoo, Sanjit Mishra, Bibhudutta Das, Saravanakumar Balasubramaniam, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Fabrication and feasibility study of polymer-based triboelectric nanogenerator towards blue energy harvesting Green Energy and Resources Elsevier 1(1) (2023) 100006 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerr.2023.100006 New Window External
6 Prasanna Sekar, Ananthakumar Ramadoss, Saravanakumar Balasubramaniam Tailoring potential window of aqueous electrolyte via steric molecular engineering for high voltage supercapacitors Applied Materials Today Elsevier 32 (2023), 101845 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2023.101845 New Window External
7 Ankita Mohanty, Saravanakumar Balasubramaniam, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* 3D-C-Fe4N@NiCu/Metallic macroporous frameworks for binder-free compact hybrid supercapacitors with high areal capacities Electrochimica Acta Elsevier 440 (2023) 141707 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141707 New Window External
8 Alekhika Tripathy, Nirmal Prashanth Maria Joseph Raj, Balasubramaniam Saravanakumar, Sang Jae Kim, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Tuning of highly piezoelectric bismuth ferrite/PVDF-copolymer flexible films for efficient energy harvesting performance Journal of Alloys and Compounds Elsevier 932 (2023) 167569 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167569 New Window External
9 Ankita Mohanty, Sohaila Z. Noby, Lukas Schmidt Mende, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Heterostructured 3D-Co-MOF@CoO/Nill3D-C-Fe4N@NiCu/SS hybrids as high-performance electrode materials for efficient hybrid supercapacitor. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Elsevier 967 (2023) 171603 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171603 New Window External
10 Alekhika Tripathy, Nirmal Prashanth Maria Joseph Raj, Sang Jae Kim and Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Elucidating the Piezoelectric, Ferroelectric, and Dielectric Performance of Lead-Free KNN/PVDF and Its Copolymer-Based Flexible Composite Films ACS Applied Electronic Materials ACS 5 (2023) 5422–5431 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.3c00306 New Window External
11 Durga Prasad Pabba, Mani Satthiyaraju, Ananthakumar Ramasdoss, Pandurengan Sakthivel, Natarajan Chidhambaram, Shanmugasundar Dhanabalan, Carolina Venegas Abarzua, Mauricio J. Morel, Rednam Udayabhaskar, Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja, Radhamanohar Aepuru, Sathish-Kumar Kamaraj, Praveen Kumar Murugesan and Arun Thirumurugan MXene-Based Nanocomposites for Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Energy Harvesting Applications Micromachines MDPI 14(6) (2023)1273 https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14061273 New Window External
12 VG Neethu, Shruti Kannan, Nilimapriyadarsini Swain, Nirmal Prashanth Maria Joseph Raj, Ananthakumar Ramadoss* Hierarchical carbon-coated manganese nitride 3D porous/nickel nanostructure as an electrode material for supercapacitors Materials Letter Elsevier 357 (2023) 135707 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2023.135707 New Window External
13 R Kumar, I Pattanayak, PA Dash and S Mohanty Bioceramics: A review on design concepts towards tailor-made (Multi) functional materials for tissue engineering applications Journal of Materials Science Springer 58 (2023) 3460–3484 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08226-8 New Window External
14 Agneyarka Mohapatra, Nidhin Divakaran, Alex Y, Ajay Kumar PV and Smita Mohanty Significant role of CNT-ZnO core shell nanostructures in development of FDM based 3D printed triboelectric nanogenerators Materials Today Nano Elsevier 22 (2023) 100313 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtnano.2023.100313 New Window External
15 R Rath, S Mohanty, P Kumar and L Unnikrishnan Synergistic effect of silica-covered graphene oxide (in-situ) hybrid nanocomposites for use as a polymer electrolyte membrane for fuel cell applications Surfaces and Interfaces Elsevier 38 (2023)102761 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2023.102761 New Window External
16 Somanath Ojha, Himanshu Bisaria, Smita Mohanty and Krishnan Kanny Fabrication and Characterization of Light Weight PVC Foam based E-glass Reinforced Polyester Sandwich Composites Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Sage 237(21) (2023) 5042-5051 https://doi.org/10.1177/09544062231161434 New Window External
17 Manmath Parida, Aruni Shajkumar, Smita Mohanty and Manoranjan Biswal Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based mulch films: evaluation of mechanical, thermal, barrier properties and aerobic biodegradation characteristics in real-time environment. Polymer Bulletin Springer 80 (2023) 3649–3674 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00289-022-04203-4 New Window External
18 Malay Ranjan Parida, Smita Mohanty, Manoranjan Biswal and Suchita Rai Influence of aluminum trihydrate (ATH) particle size on mechanical, thermal, flame retardancy and combustion behavior of polypropylene composites. Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry Springer 148 (2023) 807–819 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-022-11851-1 New Window External
19 Nidhin Divakaran, PV Ajay, Kumar, Agneyarka Mohapatra, Y Alex and Smita Mohanty Significant role of carbon nanomaterials in material extrusion‐based 3D printed Triboelectric nanogenerators Energy Technology Wiley 11(3) (2023) 2201275 https://doi.org/10.1002/ente.202201275 New Window External
20 Debasmita Mohanty, Smita Mohanty Krishnan Kanny  Characteristic properties of base coat of automobile paint: enhancement in scratch an abrasion resistance by nanoscale reinforcement - a review. Polymer Bulletin Springer 80 (2023) 185-240 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00289-022-04081-w New Window External
21 Debasmita Mohanty, Krishnan Kanny, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K. Nayak Eco-friendly automobile base coats derived from castor oil: evaluation of nano silica reinforcements on the performance characteristics of coatings. Pigment and Resin Technology Emerald 52 (2023) 671-684 https://doi.org/10.1108/PRT-01-2022-0013 New Window External
22 Ajay Kumar P V, Nidhin Divakaran, Alex Yohannan, Agneyarka Mohapatra and Smita Mohanty Fabrication of material extrusion-based carbon nanotubes / zinc oxide core shell-polylactic acid nanocomposite filaments for advanced biomedical applications Advanced Engineering Materials Wiley 25 (2023) 2300058 https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202300058 New Window External
23 Ritesh Kumar, Y. Alex, Biswabaibhaba Nayak and Smita Mohanty Effect of poly (ethylene glycol) on 3D printed PLA/PEG blend: A study of physical, mechanical characterization and printability assessment Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Elsevier 141 (2023) 105813 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.105813 New Window External
24 Pranshula Panigrahi, Manoj Kumar Mallick, Smita Mohanty and Akshaya Kumar Palai Influence of donor and acceptor moieties on photophysical properties of N-naphthylcarbazole based conjugated Terpolymers Optical Materials Elsevier 138 (2023)  113692 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2023.113692 New Window External
25 Rosalin Rath, Piyush Kumar, Lakshmi Unnikrishnan, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay K Nayak Fabrication of highly selective SPVDF-co-HFP/APTES-SiO2/Nafion nanocomposite membranes for PEM fuel cells Journal of Polymer Research Springer 30 (135) (2023) (135) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10965-023-03509-9 New Window External
26 S. Kotresh, Aashis Roy, A. Parveen, N. Badi, and A. Murali Fabrication of low-cost p-n heterostructure room temperature LPG sensing properties of Polyaniline–Copper ferrite composite. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Springer 34 (2023) 218 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-022-09662-z New Window External
27 Roshni Pattanayak, Tapaswini Jena, Sukanya Pradhan and Smita Mohanty Recent Advancement of Bio-Based Super absorbent Polymer & its Biodegradable and Recycling Behaviour: A Vision and Future Polymer - Plastics Technology & Materials Taylor & Francis 62 (10) (2023) 1290–1317 https://doi.org/10.1080/25740881.2023.2204982 New Window External
28 Satyabrata Sahoo, Wadilal Rohidas Rathod, Himalaya S Vardikar, Manoranjan Biswal and Smita Mohanty Bio-Medical Waste Plastic - Bacteria, Disinfection and Recycling Technology : A Comprehensive Reivew International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology Springer 21 (2024) 1141–1158 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-023-04975-w New Window External
29 M. Diriba Muleta, R. Ramesh, H. Baylie Mengstie,  Adhigan Murali and D. M. Reddy Prasad Methanolysis of avocado peel oil using heterogeneous catalyst enhanced by microwave heating and parametric optimization Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Taylor & Francis 45 (2) (2023) 4414-4431 https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2023.2202623 New Window External
30 Tanusree, Aparajita Dash and Smita Mohanty A review on bioactive glass, its modifications and applications in healthcare sectors Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 614 (2023) 122404 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122404 New Window External
31 K Murugesan, S Das and K Dutta Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Bioreceptors in Electrochemical Biosensor (ECBS) for Cholesterol Detection Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials Taylor & Francis 62(12) (2023) 1477–1497 https://doi.org/10.1080/25740881.2023.2221334 New Window External
32 Tanusree Bera and Smita Mohanty A review on residual stress in metal additive manufacturing 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Mary Ann Liebert Inc 2023 https://doi.org/10.1089/3dp.2023.0095 New Window External
33 Manoj Kumar Mallick, Pranshula Panigrahi, Smita Mohanty, Akshaya Kumar Palai BaCuZnSeS material as advanced chalcogenide semiconductor: Synthesis, 3D morphology and electrochemistry Materials Letters Elsevier 349 (2023) 134857 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2023.134857 New Window External
34 Girija Prasad, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K.Nayak, Girija K.Bharat, Paromita Chakraborty A Scientific Approach to the Occurrence, Isolation, and Characterization of Existing Microplastic Pollution in the Marine Environment - a Review Water, Air, & Soil Pollution Springer Link 234 (2023) 480 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06494-3 New Window External
35 Ipsita Pattanayak, Alex Y, Smita Mohanty Advancing strategies toward the development of tissue engineering scaffolds: A Review Journal of Materials Science Springer Link 58 (2023) 12847–12898 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08798-5 New Window External
36 Sabana Ara Begum, P. Santhana Gopala Krishnan, Krishnan Kanny Bio-based Polymers: A Review on Processing and 3D Printing Polymer Science: Series A Springer 65 (2023) 421–446 https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965545X2360045X New Window External
37 Manoj Kumar Mallick, Pranshula Panigrahi, Smita Mohanty, Akshaya Kumar Palai* Coconut shell-derived porous activated carbon materials: Role of activating agent on physico-electrochemical properties and photovoltaic performances. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Springer 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-023-05095-8 New Window External
38 K Murugesan, S Das* and K Dutta* Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Bioreceptors in Electrochemical Biosensor (ECBS) for Cholesterol Detection Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials Taylor & Francis 62(12) (2023) 1477–1497 https://doi.org/10.1080/25740881.2023.2221334 New Window External
39 Sharon, M. Divine*, R. Previn, R. Joseph Bensingh, and Bhuvana K. Periyasamy Brief Study on Installation of Floating Solar Power Plant for Sustainable Energy Generation at Ladakh Materials Today: Proceedings  Elsevier 90(1) (2023) 305-310 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.08.263 New Window External
40 M.N. Naseer*, A.A. Zaidi, K. Dutta, J. Jaafar, Y.A. Wahab* and Y. Cai A novel computational platform for steady-state and dynamic simulation of dual-chambered microbial fuel cell Journal of the Electrochemical Society IOP Science 170 (2023) 094504 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/1945-7111/acf882 New Window External
41 Gurumoorthi Ramar, R. Joseph Bensingh and K P Bhuvana* Enhancing bioactivity of nanofibrous poly(caprolactone)/45S5 bioglss composite scaffolds by incorporation of Ag, Go, and ZnO nanoparticles ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering American Chemical Society 9 (11) (2023) 6186-6197 - https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c00625 New Window External
42 N. Kumar, R.P. Udgata, K. Tiwari, K. Dutta*, D. Balamurugan A comparative study on the efficiency of nickel oxide/polyanilne and cobalt(II,III) oxide/polyaniline towards oxygen reduction reaction Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science KROS 11 (2023) 217–223 https://www.ijacskros.com/11%20Volume%203%20Issue/article_id=IJACS-M491.htm New Window External
43 Debasmita Mohanty*, Krishnan Kanny, Smita Mohanty, S. K. Nayak Modification of nano silica by silane coupling agent and isocyanate to be applicable in property enhancement of automobile coating AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Publications 2783 (2023) 020005 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0158546 New Window External
44 Suchita Rai*, Mukesh Chaddha, Manoj Nimje, Sneha Bahadure, Smita Mohanty, Anupam Agnihotri Milling route for the synthesis of nano-aluminium hydroxide for the development of low-density polymer composites International Journal of Materials Research De Gruyter 114 (7-8) (2023) 678-688 https://doi.org/10.1515/ijmr-2021-8663 New Window External
45 Debasish Mohanty, Akshaya Kumar Palai* Comprehensive Machine Learning Pipeline for Prediction of Power Conversion Efficiency in Perovskite Solar Cells Advanced Theory and Simulations Wiley 6 (2023) 2300309 https://doi.org/10.1002/adts.202300309 New Window External

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